Thursday, July 17, 2008

Three months old? Holy cow!

It's been a busy couple of days. Fred has spent some time with his Grammy and with his Daddy. Today we had our weekly lunch at Chili's. Unfortunately my camera battery died after only one picture. :-(
Fred and I are really starting to get into a groove when we go shopping or on an outing where it is just the two of us. We are quite the duo anymore! We've been to Target twice in the last three days together... with no incidents to speak of! On Tuesday we had to switch from the carrier to the baby backpack, but then everything was very cool. I must say that the baby backpack is the COOLEST invention EVER. Fred rides in the front, and he is always as happy as he can be in it. It makes me happy, he's happy, so all is right in the world.
Tuesday Fred was three months old. I can hardly believe it! My goodness... three months and three days ago he wasn't even here. This time last year I wasn't even pregnant yet! It's just so amazing to me how quickly my life has changed. It's also so amazing to me that someone so little and young can overtake your whole world so quickly. I love him so much... I suppose that much is obvious- I'm sitting here writing about him while he's sleeping and I'm exhausted. My whole existence has quickly become overtaken by him. I suppose that is the obsession that is first time motherhood though...
Well, this blog hasn't really been the daily happenings of Fred, and for that I am sorry. I will post some pictures this weekend after I have uploaded them. I just wanted to take a minute and reflect on the fact that Fred is three months old... holy cow... three months old already!


Chelsi said...

I am so sorry I missed out on today! I am planning on coming next week!
Yes, motherhood is such an amazing thing, and it just keeps getting better!

Chris and Angela Burnett said...

Aww...3 months already!! That is crazy! We miss you guys and hope to see you soon! LOVE YOU ALL!