Saturday, March 7, 2009


In my last post Photobucket was not uploading all of my photos. Here they are now. :-)

Uncle Matthew and Fred


Poor Penny with her dad threatening to throw her in the pool... :-(

Fred, Fred's Grandma, and Uncle Matthew

Silly Aunt Amanda!

Fred and his grandmas

Fred on the slide for the first time

Fred and his mom coming down the slide

Fred, Fred's Dad, and Aunt Holly

Fred's Mom and Fred's Dad swinging :-)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cutie Face

Fred is the biggest Cutie Face I've ever seen in my life. I enjoy him every single day! He's sleeping right here right this second, and I can't help but look at him. Listening to his little snoring just makes me so happy. We are just so blessed to have such a wonderful boy!

My cousin Amanda came to visit a couple of weeks ago, and it was a blast! Fred loved every minute of her visit. She was his first multiple night guest, and he would get so excited in the mornings when she'd come down the stairs! It was sad the morning after she left. It may have been my imagination, but I just really felt like Fred was looking for her for the next couple of days after she left. :-(

We had such a great time while she was here! We had a shopping trip, some hanging out time, and a cookout at Fred's Grammy and Grandpa's house. We also took a trip to the park, something that Fred loves!




Photobucket is not being my friend. I just uploaded 84 pictures, and only 20 have appeared. I will have to upload the rest of the pictures tomorrow. I'm tired and must go to sleep!